Australia's First Commercial Sparkling Red
first Australian commercial sparkling 'Burgundy' was produced
in 1893 at Auldana vineyard, Magill, in the Adelaide foothills,
and adjacent to PenfoldÅfs Grange vineyards. At that time Edmond
Mazure was Sir Josiah SymonÅfs vineyard manager and in charge
of production.
Mazure (1864-1939), a Frenchman by birth, was the son of a
vigneron from Burgundy. As a young man he worked for a short
while at Clos Vougeot before acquiring practical experience
in Spain. Arriving in Australia he worked for a couple of South
Australian vineyards and in 1888 was in charge of the cellars
at the Jubilee Exhibition. He was then employed by Sir
Josiah Symon as Auldana vineyard manager. Mazure pioneered
the manufacture of sparkling wine on a commercial basis in
South Australia. He was also a wine judge.
proprietor of Auldana at this time was Sir
Josiah Symon (1846-1934), South Australian lawyer, politician,
Federalist and philanthropist.

men identified as being Edward Emile Bernier (left) and Edmond
working in the champagne cellar at Auldana Vineyards, Magill, S.A. c.1912. |