State Library of South Australia  

Wine Literature of the World

The Top Dozen
Grapes and Wines of the World
Oz Water into Wine
The SA Story
Sip and Sup
Salute to the Consumer
Design on Wine
Wine Lore and Laughter
About Wine Literature of the World

Salute to the Consumer - Selected Items

This list represents just a fraction of the collection. We are continually selecting new items for addition to this website. These items are arranged in order of the date of publication, starting with the earliest.

  1. Extracts from The art and mystery of vintners and wine-coopers.
  2. Extracts from A few remarks on the medicinal effects of wine and spirits...
  3. Title page from A word or two on port wine!
  4. Extracts from What shall we have to drink?
  5. Extracts from Will you take wine?
  6. Extracts from Venite apotemus : being some reflections on a year book.
  7. Extracts from Barrel and book : a winemakers' diary.
  8. Extracts from Classic wines of Australia.
  9. Extracts from The Australian wine guide.
  10. Extracts from Dan Murphy's classification of Australian wines.
  11. Extracts from Wine with food.
  12. Extracts from Wine scandal.
  13. Oenography : words on wine in the State Library of South Australia.
  14. Extracts from Wine & health a new look at old medicine.

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South Australians